e-deologies VI, 2025, Dye Sublimation Print on Polyester, each 60 x 36"
Joshua Citarella is an artist and internet culture writer. Find my work on Patreon or Substack.
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Choose Your Future II, 2024, Dye Sublimation Prints on Dibond, 122 x 144"

e-deologies, 2024, Pigment Print on Cavas, each 60 x 36"

installation view: KW Institute for Contemporary Art, "Poetics of Encryption", curated by Nadim Samman

All of the Wellness Products Americans Love to Buy are Sold on Both Infowars and Goop, 2023, Archival Pigment Print, 48 x 34"

Choose Your Future (Ultraviolet Light), 2023, Dye Sublimation Prints on Dibond, Latex Wall Paint
Le Commun, "The Seashore of Endless Worlds" curated by Christian Bili & Samuel Wagen-Magnon

e-deologies V, 2023, Dye Sublimation Print on Polyester, each 60 x 36"

Choose Your Future (Blue Mat), 2023, Dye Sublimation Prints on Dibond, Latex Wall Paint
Galeria Studio, "Imagine a Breath of Fresh Air" curated by Jindrich Chalupecky Society

e-deologies IV, 2023, Dye Sublimation Print on Polyester, each 60 x 36"

e-deologies III, 2022, Dye Sublimation Print on Polyester, each 60 x 36"

Politigram & the Post-left, 2021 Get the book

e-deologies II, 2022, Dye Sublimation Print on Polyester, each 60 x 36"

Choose Your Future, 2021, Dye Sublimation Prints on Dibond, 122 x 144"
Kunstverein in Hamburg, "Proof of Stake" curated by Simon Denny and Bettina Steinbrugge

Choose Your Future, 2021, Interactive Website & Audio, Runtime: 26:20
"KW Digital: Open Secret", curated by Nadim Samman

Choose Your Future, 2021 (detail)

e-deologies, 2021, Dye Sublimation Prints on Polyester, each 60 x 36"
The 34th Ljubljana Biennale of Graphic Arts: Iskra Delta, curated by Tjasa Pogacar

Choose Your Future, 2021, Adhesive Pigment Print, 59 x 53"
The 34th Ljubljana Biennale of Graphic Arts: Iskra Delta, curated by Tjasa Pogacar

20 Interviews, 2020 Get the book (2nd edition)

Fully Atomized Side Gig Precariat, 2021, Archival Pigment Print, Dibond, 96 x 48"

Use-Value Urban Repurposing, 2021, Archival Pigment Print, Dibond, 96 x 48"

Choose Your Future, 2020, C-prints, Dibond, 65-3/4 x 57-5/8"

e-deologies, 2020, Dye Sublimation Print on Polyester, each 60 x 36"

e-deologies, 2020

Bio-Weapon Defense Mode, 2019, C-prints, Dibond, 72 x 204"

SWIM a Few Years From Now, 2017, C-prints, Dibond, 96 x 144"

SWIY, 2017, C-prints, Dibond, 96 x 144"

Vampire Cocktail with Smart Speaker at San Francisco Bay Seascape, 2017, C-print, 16 x 20"

Air Quality Bot with Nootropic Stacks and Bird Flying, 2017, C-prints, 20 x 16"

Genetically Modified Rose with Vacuum Bot and Sandy Footprints, 2017, C-prints, 16 x 20"

Dried Goods with Solar Panel at Dawn, 2017, C-print, 20 x 16"

Crossbow and Binoculars Overlooking Flooded City, 2017, C-print, 20 x 16"

All the Wellness Products Americans Love to Buy are Sold on Both InfoWars and Goop, 2018, C-print, 20 x 16"

for Eco-extremists, 2018, C-print, 20 x 16"

for Crypto-anarchists, 2018, C-print, 20 x 16"

Bow Drill with Compass and Electric Engine, 2019, C-print, 20 x 16" | Stone Knife with Car Adapter and Boxed Rations, 2019, C-print, 20 x 16" |

Vertical Planter with High-speed Train and Renewables, 2019, C-print, 48 x 16"

UV Production House: Aspire and Inspire: A Custom Painting of You as A Soldier Returning Home to Your Kids, 2017, Acrylic on Canvas, 24 x 36"

UV Production House: airBNB Housing Solution: Remain on your Lower East Side Apartments Fire Escape in a Hanging Tent while Guests Pay Off your Month's Rent, 2017

Taking Richard Florida Literally: This Artist Has Been Called The Katharina Grosse Of Driving a Truck Full of Paint Into Shuttered Businesses To Spur Regional Economic Growth, 2017

UV Production House: Incense Fence, 2017 (detail)

UV Production House: Incense Fence, 2017 (detail)

Planetary-scale Computation at Carroll/Fletcher, London, UK, 2016

Megastructure I, 2016, Coltan, dimensions variable

sea level diagram in 5 year increments, 2016 (detail) - courtesy Ultraviolet Production House


Render and Difference III & IV, 2016, C-print, each 60 x 40"

Render and Difference II, 2016, C-print, 60 x 48"

Installation view from Figure 8 at Clifton Benevento | Intersecting Values of Hue and Brightness, 2015 Custom Wrapped Adhesive Vinyl, 84 x 36" |

L, a, b, 2015, Custom Wrapped Adhesive Vinyl, each 84 x 36"

Intersecting Values of Hue and Brightness, 2014, Custom Wrapped Adhesive Vinyl, 60 x 60"

Rationed Water, 2013, Hydrophobic coating, Tempered Glass, Water, Plastic Bottles, Fierce Apple Gatorade, Blueberry-Pomegranate Gatorade, 58 x 33-1/2 x 20"

Rationed Water, 2013 (detail)

Rationed Water, 2013 (detail)

Hourglass in Lattice Configuration V & VI, 2015, Welded Aluminum, C-print, Refined Crystalline Silicon Powder, Coastal Sand, each 72 x 36"

Compression Artifacts, 2013

featuring Wyatt Niehause, Kate Steciw, Brad Troemel, Artie Vierkant, Joshua Citarella

Render and Difference, 2013, C-print, 48 x 59-1/4"

Mainframe Stores Red Channel Data from REM Sleep Beta Waves, 2013, Anodized Aluminum, 18 x 26 x 60"

Joshua Citarella at Higher Pictures, 2013

Body Anointed with Nitroglycerin Awaits Transfiguration, 2013, Framed C-print and Nitroglycerin Powder, 47 x 71"

Immaterial Transmutation of Lead and Gold I, 2013, Lead, Gold, Petrified Wood, dimensions variable | Retinal Rods and Grayscale Visions, 2013, Silver Gelatin Prints, Steel Cylinders, 6 x 32 x 58" |

Prima Materia, 2014, Custom LCD Panels, White Carrara Marble, Oxidized Aluminum, 18 x 22 x 35"

Burn and Dodge, 2013, Polished Steel on Plinth. 6 x 6 x 18" | Transmission of a Single Digital Image Between Two Nodes, 2014, Coaxial Cable. Dimensions Variable |

One Thousand Pounds of Ash, 2013, Ash, 35 x 90 x 105"

Bravo's Gallery Girls' Angela Pham as Lululemon Yoga Mom successfully levitating 'Doritos Locos Taco Masterlocked Shut' (2012) during transcendent yoga routine and consequently extinguishing a California forest fire (Part 2)

Bravo's Gallery Girls' Angela Pham as Sorority Girl wearing a 'Whole Foods flexfit hat with Hot Topic Hair Extension' (2012) taking a selfie while burning a Rainbow Crayon protest sign at Occupy Wall St. (Part 1), 2013

Bravo's Gallery Girls' Chantal Chadwick as Ultimate Fighting Championship fan drinking a Jogging 'Baguette Koozie' (2012) in front of the Colosseum (Part 1), 2013

Bravo's Gallery Girls' Angela Pham as Lululemon Yoga Mom holding up 'Doritos Locos Taco Masterlocked Shut' (2012) during yoga routine inside of a California forest fire (Part 1), 2013

Bravo's Gallery Girls' Angela Pham as Sea Punk holding 'Batteries Frozen in Powerade' (2012) while waves from Hurricane Sandy crash around her in the Lower East Side (Part 1), 2013

Bravo's Gallery Girls' Angela Pham as Sea Punk holding 'Batteries Frozen in Powerade' (2012) up to temple in front of contaminated water from Hurricane Sandy in the Lower East Side (Part 2), 2013

Mainframe Stores Red Channel Data from REM Sleep Beta Waves, 2013, Aluminum, 18 x 26 x 60" | Mainframe Stores Green Channel Data from REM Sleep Beta Waves, 2013, Aluminum, 20 x 28 x 54" |

Mainframe Stores Blue Channel Data from REM Sleep Beta Waves, 2013, Anodized Aluminum, 24 x 28 x 60"

Mainframe Compresses High Resolution REM Sleep Beta Waves, 2013, Anodized Aluminum, Polished Steel, 20 x 28 x 52"

Intersecting Values of Hue and Brightness, 2012, Archival Pigment Print on Phototex, 72 x 72"

Two Fires, 2014, Custom LCD Panels, Acrylic, Aluminum, Mineral Spirits, 5 x 16 x 34"

Form Assumes the Container, 2014, Custom LCD Panels, Acrylic, Aluminum, 3-1/2 x 3-1/2 x 9"

the PSD show.org, 2012-

Adobe 1998, 2012, Machined Aluminum, 6 x 8 x 12"